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Awarded by Combustion Society of Japan


Mr. Iemura’s paper was awarded as the 2024 distinguished paper of the Combustion Society of Japan. Congraturations !

“Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Cool Flame Oscillation Phenomenon Occurred Around a Fuel Droplet Array by using Variational Auto-encoder”, Iemura K,, Saito M., Suganuma Y., Kikuchi M., Inatomi Y., Nomura H., Tanabe M., Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,


This paper reports the results of the computational part of the Japan-German colaborative research project on droplet array cool flame, “Phoenix-2”. Cool flame oscillation is analyzed by newly introduced VAE-POD method that combines mode decomposition with non-linear attractor reconstruction. Phasewise and modewise analysis clarified the mechanism of complex spatio-temporal oscillation of multi-phase multi-species reacting fluid.

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Graduate students, K. Iemura, R. Saito, and Y. Takahata made presentation at COSPAR meeting held at 13-21, July, 2024.

K. Iemura, et. al., Modeling of mode switching in cool flame occurrences around a fuel droplet pair.

R. Saito, et. al., Influence of ambient temperature and inter-droplet spacing on cool flame behavior of fuel droplet pair under microgravity conditions.

Y. Takahata, et. al., Influence of Ambient Temperature and Inter-Droplet Spacing on Cool Flame Spread Limit Around Fuel Droplet Array.

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Phoenix-2 Update: Successful Launch


TEXUS-60 sounding rocket was launced on 24th March 2024. The DCU2 module functioned and recovery was succeeded. The planned cool flame data was successfully obtained. Congraturations to all the contributers.
(Photo by AirbusDS)

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